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DateExhibition NameLocationExhibition Hall
2016-04-04 to 2016-04-08Tube 2016Germany - DusseldorfDusseldorf international exhibition center
2016-10-05 to 2016-10-07M-Tech Osaka 2016Japan - Osaka大阪INTEX国际展览中心
2016-10-19 to 2016-10-22Korea Machinery Fair 2016KoyangKINTEX
2016-01-17 to 2016-01-20Sharjah阿联酋沙迦会展中心
2015-11-02 to 2015-11-05Eurasia Packaging 2016Turkey - IstanbulTUYAP
2012-03-29 to 2012-04-01WINTurkey - IstanbulTUYAP Exhibition Center
2008-12-02 to 2008-12-05EUROMOLDGermany - Frankfurt
2008-11-02 to 2008-11-04National Industrial Fastener Show/West 2008U.S - Las VegasMandalay Bay Convention Center
2016-09-12 to 2016-09-17Industrial Automation&MDA U.S - ChicagoMcCormick Place
2016-04-12 to 2016-04-14IFPEX/DRIVES and CONTROLS/SUBCON 2012England - BirminghamNEC Exhibition Center
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