Column navigation


DateExhibition NameLocationExhibition Hall
2014-05-15 to 2014-05-18INTERMACHThailand - BangkokBITEC
2014-09-16 to 2014-09-20AMB 2014Germany - StuttgartNew Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre
2014-10-21 to 2014-10-25International Sheet Metal Working Technology ExhibitionGermany - HanoverianExhibition Grounds, Hanover, Germany
2014-10-28 to 2014-11-01INTERNATIONAL PLASTIC FAIRJapan - TokyoMakuhari Messe
2014-06-25 to 2014-06-28AUSPLAS 2013Australia - Sydneysydney exhibition center
2014-10-01 to 2014-10-05EXCONPERU - LIMACentro de Conven
2014-12-03 to 2014-12-06machine tool,manufacturing ,tool&hardwareIndonesia - JakartaKEMATORAN EXHIBITON CENTRE
2014-10-14 to 2014-10-19MAKTEK2014Turkey - IstanbulTUYAP international exhibition centre
2014-08-25 to 2014-08-28AMTEX2014India - New Delhipragathi maidan
2014-08-27 to 2014-08-30Expo Camacol2014Colombia - MedellinPlaza Mayor Exposiciones Convenciones
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