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DateExhibition NameLocationExhibition Hall
2009-05-05 to 2009-05-07LIGHTFAIR INTERNATIONAL 2009U.S - New York
2009-10-04 to 2009-10-07The 21th International Construction Technology and Building Materials Exhibition Saudi Arabia - RiyadhRiyadh Expo
2009-05-24 to 2009-05-27Saudi Arabia - Riyadh
2009-05-17 to 2009-05-192009Dubai
2009-09-14 to 2009-09-19Drinktec 2009Germany - Munich
2009-06-25 to 2009-06-28InterPlas Thailand 2009Thailand - Bangkok
2009-12-10 to 2009-12-13India - BangaloreBangalore International Exhibition Centre
2009-05-26 to 2009-05-30Livin Luce & Ener MotiveItaly - MilanFIERA MILANO
2009-09-16 to 2009-09-1815th Anniversary Central-Asian International "Mining and Processing of Metals & Minerals" ExhibitionAlmaty9B, 9C Pavilions, Atakent Exhibition Centre, Almaty
2009-12-10 to 2009-12-13India - Bangalore
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