Column navigation


DateExhibition NameLocationExhibition Hall
2025-04-02 to 2025-04-04ISC WEST 2025U.S - Las VegasSands Expo
2025-03-19 to 2025-03-21SECON 2025SeoulKINTEX
2025-01-14 to 2025-01-16INTERSEC MIDDLE EAST 2025DubaiWORLD TRADE CENTER
2025-03-24 to 2025-03-28Plastico Brasil 2025Brazil - St.PaulSAN POLO EXPO(EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE CENTER)
2025-02-24 to 2025-02-26Plast Alger+Printpack Alger 2025Algeria - AlgiersCenter International de Conference Alger
2025-03-11 to 2025-03-14INTERMOLD KOREA 2025KoyangKINTEX
2025-05-05 to 2025-05-08IPACK-IMA 2025Italy - MilanFieramilano - S.S. 33 del Sempione N. 28
2025-03-11 to 2025-03-14Plastimagen 2025Mexico - Mexico CityCentro Banamex, Mexico City
2025-05-20 to 2025-05-23PLASTPOL-2025Poland - Kielce波兰凯尔采国际展览中心
2025-06-18 to 2025-06-21Interplas Thailand 2016Thailand - BangkokBITEC
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