Column navigation


DateExhibition NameLocationExhibition Hall
2025-03-18 to 2025-03-20LogiMAT2025Germany - StuttgartSTUTTGART TRADE FAIR CENTRE
2025-05-13 to 2025-05-15SPS IPC Drives ItaliaItaly - ParmaFairground Fiere di Parma
2025-02-11 to 2025-02-13Expo Manufactura 2025Mexico - monterreyCintermex
2025-11-17 to 2025-11-19LED EXPO 2025India - New DelhiPragati Maidan
2025-06-18 to 2025-06-21MANUFACTURING EXPO THAILAND 2025Thailand - BangkokBITEC
2025-06-04 to 2025-06-05Drives&Controls 2025England - BirminghamNational exhibition Center
2025-05-28 to 2025-05-31WIN EURASIA 2025Turkey - IstanbulIstanbul Expo Center
2025-01-14 to 2025-01-16LIGHT MIDDLE EAST 2025DubaiDubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre
2025-03-12 to 2025-03-14INTERNATIONAL TRADE SHOW LIGHTPoland - WarsawWarsaw International Expocentre EXPO XXI
2025-03-04 to 2025-03-07LIGHTING FAIR 2025Japan - TokyoTokyo Big Sight
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